A Skeleton Key to Finnegan's Wake by Joseph Campbell and Henry Morton Robinson

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Since its publication in 1939, countless would-be readers of Finnegans Wake--James Joyce's masterwork, which consumed a third of his life--have given up after a few pages, dismissing it as a "perverse triumph of the unintelligible." In 1944, a young professor of mythology and literature named Joseph Campbell, working with Henry Morton Robinson, wrote the first "key" or guide to entering the fascinating, disturbing, marvelously rich world of Finnegans Wake. The authors break down Joyce's "unintelligible" book page by page, stripping the text of much of its obscurity & serving up thoughtful interpretations via footnotes & bracketed commentary. They outline the book's basic action, & then simplify & clarify its complex web of images & allusions.

Buccaneer Books, 1993.
ISBN: 9781568491684. 297 pp.
Hardcover. Fine.