
Thank you for visiting our site. Here is some information that will help you get an idea of what to expect if you place an order with us.


Shipping Info

Shipping costs are based on weight. Within Canada an average book will ship at $15. Packages to the US average $15 for Air. Shipping Worldwide is normally $40 Air or $20 for Surface. Oversized books are, of course, more expensive to ship. Ephemera is often less. Please email us with any questions as we can estimate shipping costs before purchase.

Orders usually ship within 2 days of payment. We take great care with our packages. Books will be wrapped securely in protective paper and bubble wrap. If there is a problem with the package when you receive it please let us know immediately. We will correct it either with a replacement copy or a full refund. Always contact us with any concerns.

In-Store Pick-Up

We offer in-store pick-up if you are in the London area or know someone in the London area. Please email us and let us know and we can set the book aside for you to be picked up at our Elias Street shop.

Return Policy

Returns are accepted within 30 days, with notification. A full refund of your order will be issued after the receipt of the book in original condition (by means of original payment). Please email us with any questions.

Privacy Policy

We respect the privacy of our visitors. We will never sell or share the information you provide. We will never send you promotional emails unless requested. We use SSL protection on our site to secure any purchase. Any questions about the security of our site are welcome and will be answered promptly.

Condition Guarantee

All of our books are guaranteed as described. As we are an open shop items are subject to prior sale.

Libraries and institutions may request a 30-day invoice (please send an email and we will bill accordingly). 5% sales tax will be added to orders from Ontario. Reciprocal courtesies of the bookselling trade apply. Please do email us with any questions about your purchase and we will reply promptly.

We are active members of the Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of Canada and adhere to their standards of practice.